Sonic Project 06 Shadow Release 1.6 (Demo 4.6) : ChaosX : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)



| 28/09/2021 to 29/09/2021 |


| How these changelogs work: |

| Only changes/additions/polish/removal of content that is already in the game and was presented in previous |

| releases gets documented here, for new releases, new stuff is not documented, to keep the new content as fresh |

| as possible. |


Changelog (v1.6):

* Fixed Super Sonic's broken spindash particle and updated it fit with the updated spindash particles of normal Sonic and Shadow

* Fixed Super Sonic not getting affected by the speed shoes power up after Gem level 1

* Super Sonic can now destroy Iron Boxes in the same way Shadow can when on Chaos Boost

* Super Sonic can now destroy searchlight towers with his special move Light Arrow Attack

* Fixed Shadow still being able to sequence break Kingdom Valley's second section

* Fixed Shadow being able to perform 3 jumpdashes by using the Chaos Spear more than once

* Fixed dialogue text and loading screen button prompts not reflecting Shadow's changes for his Chaos Attack

* Fixed weird instance where Sonic could walk up the Kingdom Valley's mach speed section pillars with some effort

* Fixed being able to spam the Sky Gem Gun Drive move if jumpdashing before throwing it in the air

* Fixed being able to get stuck on top of the guillotine or laser poles in Wave Ocean/White Acropolis

* Fixed timer on the second Silver cutscene in Sonic's Kingdom Valley not freezing properly due to the new added first cutscene

* Fixed Purple Gem extra jumps not keeping the limited apex height if not holding the trigger

* Fixed small sequence break in Sonic's Wave Ocean's orca chase

* Changed timing of score adding for Sonic's snow/metal boards and added particles, sounds and voice clips when nailing a perfect jump

* Adjusted a jump ramp volume in Sonic's White Acropolis snowboard section (the biggest one of the 3 at the beginning) having to small a launch angle upwards

* Fixed slopes of fallen buildings in Shadow's last Crisis City section not being walkable

* Fixed small gaps in Sonic's second Kingdom Valley section would allow skipping Silver

* Fixed Sonic being spawned in the air at the start of Crisis City allowing to move around and fall off the grinding rail

* Increased jump height of snow/metalboard Sonic while grinding

* Slightly increased thickness of lasers to prevent characters from clipping on them (mostly Knuckles and Rouge)

* Sonic's action gauge now replenishes when water sliding in Wave Ocean

* Fixed a bug related to Omega not being able to hover if jumping and holding A until you land

* Fixed exploit when playing as Silver in Aquatic Base's first section where Shadow would disappear if respawning from the first checkpoint and backtracking

* Updated some localization on the Gem descriptions

* Removed boolean check in Silver's Psycho Smash and instead put state index in the check, this will hopefully fix Silver getting stuck in the air when throwing stuff

* Fixed Rouge's jump ball effects being missing on climb up state and glide ball fall state

* Omega's back boosters no longer flicker when going uphill as slope physics stop affecting them when using the back boosters

* Rouge's attachable Heart Bombs now explode if the object they were attached to gets destroyed

* Tried fixing some unbreakable objects thrown by Silver not being able to be picked up later, may have some drawbacks. Game Development(tm), people

* Shadow now exits from vehicles if an event is happening (prevents dying on areas like Eggman's train cutscene in Radical Train)

* Added Adventure 2 spin effect variation to the Game Room

Changelog (v1.5):

- Changes for Shadow:

* Shadow now enters Chaos Attack automatically if the enemy is not a 1-hit enemy instead of having to hold the A button (makes it more faithful, fixes

overshooting with homing attacks on certain enemies), also brought back the unedited hint dialogue to accomodate this change

* Due to the Chaos Attack being made more faithful on enemies with more HP, the combo registers 6 hits in total (like the original game, but in the

original game the third hit didn't register damage, so this counts as a buff that the original game originally broke, every enemy can now be defeated

with just 1 combo execution)

* Fixed and improved Jumpdash refresh after Chaos Spears for Shadow

* In order to trigger the uninhibited mode (inhibitor rings removed), you must press D-Pad UP and press the Right Trigger, this will allow the player

to choose whether to unleash full power or not, and keep using Chaos Boost Lv.3 with Chaos Blast

* The uninhibited mode now drains the action gauge slightly faster

* While on the uninhibited state, you can now perform subsequent Chaos Snap chains with enemies with more than 1 health point (similar to chains with

1-hit enemies)

* While on the uninhibited state, Chaos Lance is now the default spear power, and is present without needing to charge, multi-targetting's also present

without needing to charge

* While on the uninhibited state, jumping on enemies and running onto enemies now 1-hit kills them

* Fixed jump ball effect not appearing

* Removed omni light effects from his skates, they weren't very noticeable and they were prone to impacting framerate

* Fixed inconsistency with Shadow's voice clips when performing Chaos Attack

* Fixed skates spilling fire when walking

* Fixed attack layer mask including collision not meant to be attacked

- Changes for Omega:

* Omega Shot and Omega Launcher now deal double damage

* Lock-On Shot now keeps already detected targets instead of losing them when not looking at them, similar to Gamma in SA1

* Gatling Guns Mode now executes faster and ground movement has been increased

* Omega no longer gets forced out of the Gatling Guns Mode if getting shot, instead he loses his rings

* Rotation while in Gatling Guns mod is less janky on sudden collision changes or sloped terrain, as also fixing this state not sticking to collision properly

- Changes for Sonic:

* Slightly reduced Action Gauge replenish delay to accomodate for changed replenish conditions

- Changes for Tails:

* Fixed randomly getting stuck on Rhythm Badge Tail Swipe

- Changes for Silver:

* Picked up objects by Psychokinesis now ignore the other picked up objects when throwing them, meaning objects will now properly be thrown to the target

if some of the other objects are in the way of the object that gets thrown

* Some thrown objects by Psychokinesis now 100% hit the target (as long as the object touches the enemy first before anything else)

* Fixed small oversight where missiles from mechs would get destroyed while picked up if the owner of the missiles was disaptched

- Changes for Knuckles/Rouge:

* Fixed Knuckles and Rouge not being able to climb up certain geometry from a slanted angle (ex.: Rouge in White Acropolis)

* Fixed Knuckles and Rouge not dropping their aerial attacks when landing on lava

* Fixed small weird bug with Rouge's Bombs where it wouldn't detect moving targets

- Changes for vehicles:

(These are all just attempts at making vehicles control nicer, I don't have much clue on how to majorly improve them, apologies)


* Slightly increased gravity pull

* The Buggy and the Hover Craft now properly flip back when re-entering them, and a flip back feature was added to them by pressing the B button

(added to game manual)

* Adjusted and fixed a few things with Shadow's TSR vehicle


* Loosened wheel suspension spring damper and force to make terrain movement a bit smoother

* Retweaked wheel suspension distance to allow suspension springs to have wider bounce damping

* Increased anti-roll force

* Fixed skidding sound playing on air if braking

* Removed Buggy off Shadow's Crisis City and recycled the dialogue tied to it for the Buggy in Wave Ocean


* Tightened steering sensitivity a bit

* Tightened balancing force torque on steering


* Increased stiffness and extremum value and lowered extremum slip of sideway friction of the hover wheels, increased anti-roll force to compensate for

wheel setting changes, steering is tighter now

* Hovering direction and speed can now be controlled by using the Left Stick (Up/Down = Accel/Decel | Left/Right = Steer)

* Fixed Hover Craft getting stuck in the air if exploding out of depleted health points

* Fixed back lights being assigned to acceleration instead of brake/reverse

* Removed landing sound, it was a bit weird when the Hover Craft is not physically landing

- (Hopefully) fully fixed memory leak present ever since the first release of the project (calling GC.Collect() {garbage collection} on stage/section start up)

- Fixed bug where Rouge's Treasure Hunting radar wouldn't appear due to the activation call being cancelled by Shadow's interaction

- Lowered strength of drag on slope physics and spindash

- Fixed a small visual oversight and a few typos in the Game Manual

- Brightened the big Mercury Ball Sonic rides a bit

- Slightly lowered volume of missile firing and reloading for vehicles

- Removed point lights from doors in general and other objects that didn't really need them, should slightly improve performance

- Reinstated missing ability to cancel Chaos Snap by pressing Y as described in the manual

- Removed point lights from iblis enemies

- Removed yellow volumetric lights off of Aquatic Base (including sun leftover)

- Slightly optimized enemy scripts behaviour

- Fixed sequence break exploit in Shadow's Aquatic Base and moved last switch functionality to the switch prior to it

- Fixed small sequence break exploit in Shadow's Wave Ocean performed after dying with Shadow and getting stuck in Omega's cutscene

- Nerfed rain particles again lol, bit more transparent, made water drops thinner, decreased particle count a bit

- Removed Sonic's Kingdom Valley Mach Speed section wall camera volumes (those volumes were experimental anyway)

- Modified Shadow's Hovercraft section in Kingdom Valley with the towers

- Tweaked collision and damage properties of Kingdom Valley's towers

- Fixed lasers having gaps that could be exploited by Rouge in Shadow's Kingdom Valley

- Fixed sequence breaking exploit with Shadow in Kingdom Valley second section

- Fixed soft lock chances happening if landing on certain parts of White Acropolis' searchlights

- Fixed soft lock chances happening if fiddling with the glowing cages containing things inside it

- Moved some enemies near rails in Shadow's Flame Core second section that hurt the player unfairly

- Fixed one floating eagle statue in Shadow's Kingdom Valley

- Adjusted pier platforming in Shadow's Wave Ocean second section

- Tried optimizing reflections a bit more (lowering internal resolution ensues)

- Fixed CGI videos not respecting the sound volume settings

- Added missing collision to goal pillars at the end of Shadow's Wave Ocean second section

- Adjusted some physics objects and enemy triggers in Shadow's Crisis City fourth section

- Removed some debug leftovers

- Reinstated Vertex Compression settings for project compilation as they seemingly got reset? (Unity... why...)

- Sped up dash panels before scripted sequence in Crisis City's second section for both Sonic and Shadow

- Tweaked green cave lights of Dusty Desert to be bigger and less saturated

- Reduced sample count for all volumetric lights that aren't a sun source (should try to improve performance if volumetrics are enabled)

- Fixed pause menu audio being affected by reverb areas

- Made Memory Shard's sound effects louder

- Increased health of Eggman's train and its cargo when chasing him with the bike in Radical Train's second section

- Fixed underwater camera effect not working

- Adjusted spring towards lighthouse in Tails' Wave Ocean so it reaches the hand rail

- Shortened gap of time needed to jump up from lava again

- Removed "Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets()" added to the initial release, suspect of causing massive resource reloading on subsequent stage initializations

- Rewrote contact sound system and removed a lot of these systems from broken pieces of destroyed objects to reduce collison processing overhead

- Removed contact particle feature as a whole from physics objects to reduce collision processing overhead

- Fixed Crisis City and Flame Core fire eruptions not hurting characters on certain states

- Tweaked Crisis City's fire eruptions having a too spread fire explosions

- Added missing contact sound to snowballs of White Acropolis

- Sped up dashpanels on walls on Wave Ocean first section

- Sped up dashpanels on final slope of Sonic's Kingdom Valley first section

- Moved unreachable rings after scripted sequence in Shadow's Kingdom Valley third section so they can be collected

- Slightly buffed the initial speed of the spindash when tapping the button for it

- Removed cars thrown by Crisis City's tornado in the beginning in Sonic's mach speed section (it should only throw cars when camera is looking at the tornado)

- Corrected some localization files

- Finally fixed the see-through particle effects of the spindash and the spinkick

- Fixed one bridge in Shadow's Crisis City fourth section not breaking by the needed enemy

- Added "Jump" voice clip for Sonic when getting near the truck on fire launched by the tornado in Sonic's Crisis City mach speed section

- Made tornado explosion of Crisis City's mach speed section more flashy

- Fixed Flame Core cavern ceiling steam flickering cause of object draw distance

- Fixed exploit in Shadow's Aquatic Base where you could skip the character trigger for Silver

- Added missing timer freeze and UI hide for Mephiles' cutscene in Shadow's Wave Ocean second section

- Now landing jumps from jump ramps with the metal board or snow board grants points (based on SA2)

- Adjusted/added some new object placement in Sonic's White Acropolis first section

- Added option to disable non-mandatory in-game cutscenes

- Fixed Chaos Blast animation bugging out if using the move after specific moves

- Added more helpful camera volumes in Shadow's Radical Train first section

- Strenghtened some event calls further to prevent soft locks with Eggman's train in Radical Train

- Improved sequence of Eggman's train getting defeated after Shadow shoots it down with the bike in Radical Train's second section

- Rewrote Kingdom Valley breakable tower script and added water splash FX

- Added more arena camera volumes in Shadow's Kingdom Valley and Dusty

- Added tresure hunting scoring system based on SA2

- Fixed small oversight where getting a game over in an episode would reset all campaign's lives

- Fixed Shadow's Uninhibited State UI effect staying on after switching character and switching back to Shadow

- Fixed Shadow's Chaos Maturity gauge staying full after switching character and switching back to Shadow

- Changed behaviour of a robot in Shadow's Radical Train which used flight to move around, causing it to drop off and kill itself

- Fixed small oversight with the dash rings allowing to move the camera target by pressing left or right while being launched

- Extensively expanded object placement for the Test Stage first section

- Fixed regression of Sun Lens Flares seeping through solid geometry sometimes (most noticeable in Dusty Desert)

- Tweaked/Added some invisible wall collisions to Sonic's/Tails' Wave Ocean to fix hideous blind spots that allows Tails to exploit certain areas

- Tweaked water collision buoyancy for physics objects so that the buoyancy itself is a bit less exaggerated and more logical

- Fixed Crisis City's Fire Devils (new iblis enemy) having its effects and damage collision offsetted as an oversight (inconsistent impact fixed)

- Fixed inconsistency with Kingdom Valley theme names in the Audio Room (castle and lakeside swapped)

- Updated some localization on the main menu

- Cleaned up some garbage UI code

- Kingdom Valley's falling stairs now detect if the ground the player's standing on is the correct stair in order to start the timer and fall off, added break particles too

- Made more stage collision in Tropical Jungle climbable for Rouge/Knuckles

- Crisis City's mach speed section's tornado dust effects and truck explosion smoke no longer show on top of Super Sonic's aura

Sonic Project 06 Shadow Release 1.6 (Demo 4.6) : ChaosX : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.