Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (2025)

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Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (1)

Canyon Mountainbikes

Ob Weltcuprennen oder Hometrails – Die Canyon Lux Platform vereint einige der leichtesten und effizientesten Cross-Country Bikes der Welt.

Zu den Bikes

Wähle dein Bike

120 mm Full Suspension XC Bike Entdecke das Lux Trail
100 mm Full Suspension Race Bike Lux LUX World Cup entdecken
100-120 mm Hardtail um Skills aufzubauen Entdecke das Grand Canyon
100 mm XC Race Hardtail Entdecke das Exceed
Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (6)

Episch flink

Lux World Cup CFR Untamed

Gebaut, um durch wilde Täler und über brutale Bergpässe bis zum Cape Epic Sieg zu fahren.

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    • Farbe: Chrome Level 1
    • Farbe: Late Sunset
    • Farbe: Mirage Blue

    Lux Trail CF 8

    Shimano DEORE XT M8100, FOX 34 SC Performance Elite

    4.749 €

    oder ab 82,40 €/Monat

  • SRAM XX SL Eagle AXS Neu
    • Farbe: CLLCTV

    Lux World Cup CFR Loana Lecomte

    SRAM XX SL Eagle AXS Transmission, RockShox SID SL Ultimate Flight Attendant

    9.599 €

    oder ab 166,56 €/Monat

  • Nur verfügbar in M | L Neue Verfügbarkeiten
    • Farbe: Team Alpecin-Fenix
    • Farbe: Team Alpecin Deceuninck

    Lux World Cup CFR Team

    Shimano XTR, 12-speed, FOX 32 Step-Cast Factory Remote

    7.049 €

    oder ab 122,31 €/Monat

  • -27%
    • Farbe: Super Grey

    Grand Canyon 6

    Shimano DEORE XT M8100, SR Suntour XCR

    799 €

    1.099 €

    Du sparst 300 €

    oder ab 13,86 €/Monat

  • -22%
    • Farbe: radical red

    Grand Canyon 5

    Shimano Deore M6100, Suntour X1 Coil 27,5

    699 €

    899 €

    Du sparst 200 €

    oder ab 12,13 €/Monat

  • Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (13)


    Finde mit wenigen Klicks heraus, welches MTB zu dir passt.

    Zum MTB-Finder

    • Farbe: Brillant Black

    Grand Canyon 8

    Shimano DEORE XT M8100, FOX 32 Rhythm GRIP

    1.499 €

    oder ab 26,01 €/Monat

    • Farbe: Race Black

    Lux World Cup CF Young Hero

    Shimano Deore M6100, RockShox Recon RL Remote

    2.499 €

    oder ab 43,36 €/Monat

    • Farbe: Chrome Level 1
    • Farbe: Mirage Blue

    Lux Trail CF 6

    Shimano Deore M6100, FOX 34 Stepcast Performance 3-Pos Remote

    3.349 €

    oder ab 58,11 €/Monat

  • -26%
    • Farbe: Soft Moss
    • Farbe: Radiant Red

    Grand Canyon 7

    SRAM SX Eagle, RockShox Judy Silver

    949 €

    1.299 €

    Du sparst 350 €

    oder ab 16,47 €/Monat

  • Powermeter -15%
    • Farbe: Lightning Mauve

    Lux Trail CFR LTD

    SRAM XX Eagle AXS Transmission, Rock Shox SID Ultimate 3-Position Remote

    7.239 €

    8.549 €

    Du sparst 1.310 €

    oder ab 125,61 €/Monat

    • Farbe: Race Black

    Exceed CF Young Hero

    Shimano Deore M6100, RockShox Recon RL Remote

    1.599 €

    oder ab 27,75 €/Monat

  • SRAM GX Eagle
    • Farbe: Chrome Level 1
    • Farbe: Mirage Blue

    Lux Trail CF 9

    SRAM GX Eagle AXS Transmission, Rock Shox SID Select+ Remote

    5.749 €

    oder ab 99,76 €/Monat

  • SRAM GX Eagle -30%
    • Farbe: Race Green

    Exceed CF 8

    SRAM GX Eagle AXS Transmission, Fox Factory 32 Step Cast Remote

    2.829 €

    4.049 €

    Du sparst 1.220 €

    oder ab 49,09 €/Monat

  • Neue Verfügbarkeiten
    • Farbe: Burnt Orange

    Lux Trail CFR

    Shimano XTR, 12-speed, FOX 34 Stepcast Factory Remote

    7.049 €

    oder ab 122,31 €/Monat

    • Farbe: Summit Silver

    Grand Canyon 9

    Shimano DEORE XT M8100, FOX 32 Rhythm GRIP

    1.799 €

    oder ab 31,22 €/Monat

  • -29%
    • Farbe: Chrome Level 1
    • Farbe: Late Sunset

    Lux Trail CF 7

    Shimano SLX, 12-speed, FOX 34 Stepcast Performance 3-Pos Remote

    2.629 €

    3.749 €

    Du sparst 1.120 €

    oder ab 45,62 €/Monat

  • Neue Verfügbarkeiten
    • Farbe: Springbok

    Lux World Cup CFR Untamed

    Shimano XTR, 12-speed, DT Swiss F 232 ONE

    8.049 €

    oder ab 139,66 €/Monat

  • 750 Wh Akku -28%
    • Farbe: Pistachio
    • Farbe: Stealth
    • Farbe: Azzurro

    Grand Canyon:ON 7

    Bosch Performance Line CX, Rockshox Judy Silver 29 120mm Boost

    2.379 €

    3.349 €

    Du sparst 970 €

    oder ab 41,28 €/Monat

  • -20%
    • Farbe: Vermillion 1

    Lux World Cup CF 8

    SRAM GX Eagle AXS Transmission, Fox Factory 32 Step Cast Remote

    4.439 €

    5.549 €

    Du sparst 1.110 €

    oder ab 77,02 €/Monat

  • SRAM XX SL Eagle AXS Powermeter
    • Farbe: CFR Green

    Lux World Cup CFR LTD

    SRAM XX SL Eagle AXS Transmission, Rock Shox SID SL Ultimate 2-Position Remote

    8.549 €

    oder ab 148,34 €/Monat

    • Farbe: Vermillion 1
    • Farbe: Podium Black
    • Farbe: Race Green

    Lux World Cup CF 6

    Shimano SLX, 12-speed, FOX 32 Step-Cast Performance Remote

    3.349 €

    oder ab 58,11 €/Monat

  • Nur verfügbar in M | L -28%
    • Farbe: Quick Silver
    • Farbe: Sandstone Fire

    Exceed CF 5

    Shimano Deore M6100, RockShox Recon RL Remote

    1.349 €

    1.899 €

    Du sparst 550 €

    oder ab 23,41 €/Monat

Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (33)


Canyon CLLCTV XC Kollektion

Performance-Racewear, die sich auf dem Podium genauso gut macht wie auf dem Trail.

Kollektion jetzt kaufen

Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (34)

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Die große Frage: Hardtail oder Fully

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Cross-Country Bikes

Ob stark am Anstieg oder schnell bergab: Mit einem Cross-Country Bike bist du kraftvoll und sportlich unterwegs. Entdecke die Cross-Country Bikes von Canyon.

Was ist ein Cross-Country Bike?

Cross-Country Bikes (XC Bike) zählen zu den Mountainbikes. Es ist für intensive Uphill Trails und sichere Abfahrten mit ultimativem Speed geeignet. Trete mit deinem XC Mountainbike lange Touren an und erkunde neue Gebiete.

Gibt es unterschiedliche Cross-Country Bikes?

Je nach Einsatzgebiet und individuellen Anforderungen variieren die Arten der Cross-Country Mountainbikes.

Hardtail Bikes:

  • Federung nur vorne an der Gabel
  • Geringes Gewicht für leistungsstarkes Klettern
  • Für Rennen auf schnellen, technischen Kursen ideal

Full-Suspension Bikes:

  • Federung vorne und am Hinterbau
  • Durch optimalen Federweg für härtere Trails optimal
  • Stecken Fahrfehler besser weg und gleichen sie aus
  • Je nach Modell für Marathons und Rennen geeignet

Race Bikes:

  • Für maximale Performance im Rennen
  • Als Hardtail für Power am Anstieg
  • Als Fully für technisch anspruchsvollere Strecken

Welche Cross-Country Bikes von Canyon gibt es?

Bei Canyon hast du die Wahl zwischen mehreren Cross-Country Bikes aus Carbon oder Aluminium, sodass du garantiert dein passendes XC MTB findest:

Das Grand Canyon

Du suchst ein vielseitiges und hochwertiges Aluminium-Hardtail mit einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis? Dann ist das Grand Canyon das richtige Bike für dich. Für weite Touren und entspannte Trails bestens geeignet, ist es ein klassisches XC Bike für Einsteiger und ambitionierte Hobbyfahrer.

Das Exceed

Das Canyon Exceed bietet dir das, was du von einem 29er Hardtail Bike für optimale Performance im Rennen erwartest: Ein äußerst geringes Gewicht bei gleichzeitig strapazierfähiger Bauweise. Mit dem Exceed kletterst du dank des 100 Millimeter Federwegs die steilsten Passagen hoch und fährst rasant downhill − ein XC Race Bike für die Weltspitze.

Das Lux

Das Canyon Lux ist ein leichtes und agiles Fully . Es zeigt sein Können bei Abfahrten mit maximaler Geschwindigkeit. Das hervorragende Fahrwerk und die ausgeklügelte Geometrie sorgen für Effizienz bei intensiven Anstiegen. Für besonders technische XC-Rennen ist das Lux perfekt. Wer ein Down-Country Bike sucht, wird mit dem Lux Trail fündig: Es ermöglicht harte Downhills auf langen Touren und schließt die Lücke zwischen Cross-Country und Trail.

Ein Cross-Country Bike online kaufen

Unser Online-Direktvertrieb bietet dir die beste Qualität zu einem exzellenten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und flexible Zahlungsmöglichkeiten. Nutze das Canyon Perfect Positioning System, um in zwei Schritten die passende Rahmengröße für dein neues Cross-Country MTB zu finden. Bei Fragen oder Problemen stehen dir unser Kundenservice und unsere Partnerwerkstätten zur Verfügung. Die 6-jährige Garantie und das 30-tägige Rückgaberecht sichern dich zusätzlich ab. Finde jetzt dein Cross-Country Bike − du bekommst es direkt an deine Haustür geliefert.

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Inhalte werden geladen

Cross Country Bikes | XC Bikes online kaufen (2025)


What are cross country bikes best for? ›

Our tech-loaded XC mountain bikes are the lightest, smartest bikes on the trail. They give you the ultimate performance edge, so you can go as fast as your legs and heart will allow, and come back grinning. Just point these race-ready rockets in the right direction and go.

What makes an XC bike an XC bike? ›

Expect an XC bike to have a head angle of around 69-71 degree's, a steeper seat tube angle of around 74-75º, a lower bottom bracket height and shorter overall reach.

What is the difference between cross-country and downcountry bikes? ›

While many XC race bikes might use long and low cockpit setups, downcountry bikes tend to have a more trail-oriented cockpits with wider, high-rise bars and shorter stems which create a more upright position for more stability and control on descents.

Are cross country bikes comfortable? ›

A lot of XC bikes are full suspension, but not all. Whether hardtail or full-suspension bike, you'll have around 100 mm-120 mm of front suspension to soften any blows as you ride. Rear suspension on bikes like our Lux family offer even more comfort for tackling techy trails.

What makes a good cross-country bike? ›

The right bike for cross country riding is a light mountain bike. But because even full suspension cross country bikes optimize for weight and efficiency, it also means they're less able to handle super burly descents and features like an enduro or trail bike.

Which is better, XC or trail? ›

A cross-country bike will get you to the top of the hills more easily but won't be as fun when riding back down. On the other hand, a trail bike will also get you up the hill, but the descent will be much more entertaining. Most people who live in flatter areas choose cross-country mountain bikes.

Can you use an XC bike for trail riding? ›

If single-track, flat-out speed is what you're after, then a cross-country - also known as an XC - mountain bike might just be for you. At home on the gravel trail as well as an off-road course, cross-country bikes are the sleek and nimble lightweight racers of the mountain biking world.

How much travel should an XC bike have? ›

Typically, cross-country bikes have featured 80 to 100mm of travel. Because cross-country race courses have become more extreme and technical, it is now common to see bikes designed around 120mm travel front and rear, such as Scott's Spark RC.

Are cross country bikes fast? ›

The best cross-country (XC) mountain bikes are all about raw speed. But their light weight and excellent efficiency also makes then ideal for fast, flowing singletrack as well as racing.

Why do cross country bikes have long stems? ›

Riding Style

If you prefer cross-country trails, a medium stem features a balance between agility and stability. Riders embarking on endurance rides or seeking long-distance comfort can benefit from a long stem. These stems offer optimal stability and enhance efficiency during climbs, reducing upper body fatigue.

What is considered a cross country bike? ›

Cross-country bicycles are some of the lightest mountain bikes, typically between 7.5 and 12.5 kilograms (17 and 28 lb). They usually feature suspension forks in front and often have suspension in the rear.

How do I prepare for a cross country bike? ›

How do I prepare my body for a long bike ride? The best thing to do is to build up your endurance by biking more. If you bike for an hour today, go for an hour and ten minutes the next day. Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet and staying hydrated.

What is the average weight of a cross bike? ›

In that sample, which included bikes of all abilities from pros and C racers, the average bike was 19.7 pounds.

Is 27.5 good for XC? ›

The 27.5-Inch Wheel

These wheels offer quicker acceleration than their larger counterparts due to their lighter weight, making them an excellent choice for technical trails where quick manoeuvrability is key. They also provide a smoother ride than 26-inch wheels because they roll over obstacles more easily.

What is a cross bike good for? ›

Cyclocross bikes are designed to be raced on cyclocross courses, which can often include a variety of terrains such as mud, sand, rocks, and even snow.

What are cross-country bikes made for? ›

XC bikes are at home on hard-packed, dusty trails as well as rock gardens and rooty sections. Some riders will even get airtime during an XC race. If you're competing in both short track (XCC) and Olympic (XCO) style races, you have to use the same bike.

Can you use XC bike on trails? ›

If single-track, flat-out speed is what you're after, then a cross-country - also known as an XC - mountain bike might just be for you. At home on the gravel trail as well as an off-road course, cross-country bikes are the sleek and nimble lightweight racers of the mountain biking world.

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Article information

Author: Carmelo Roob

Last Updated:

Views: 6232

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.